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All you need to know before you schedule a lesson

  • What is law school performance coaching?
    Law School Performance Coaching is a specialized form of coaching designed to help law students optimize their academic and personal performance. It involves providing tailored support and strategies to enhance study skills, manage stress, and improve overall well-being. Law school performance coaches work with students to develop effective time management, stress management, and discovering one's own personal learning styles that align with their unique personality. Additionally, they offer guidance on navigating the pressures of law school, building resilience, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The ultimate goal is to empower students to achieve academic success, personal growth, and professional development throughout their law school journey.
  • How does law school performance coaching differ from tutoring?
    Law School Performance Coaching and Tutoring serve distinct roles in a student’s academic journey, each focusing on different aspects of support and development: 1. Scope of Support: Performance Coaching: Focuses on holistic development, including academic performance, stress management, time management, mindset, goal-setting, and career planning. Coaches help students build skills that enhance their overall law school experience and personal growth, not just their understanding of the material. Tutoring: Concentrates on subject-specific assistance, helping students understand legal concepts, case law, and exam content. Tutors provide explanations, answer questions, and help students grasp difficult topics in specific courses. 2. Approach to Learning: Performance Coaching: Uses a strategic and motivational approach. Coaches work on developing effective study habits, self-discipline, and resilience. They guide students in creating personalized learning strategies that align with their unique strengths and challenges. Tutoring: Takes a more instructional approach. Tutors teach the material directly, often using structured sessions to explain concepts and clarify doubts. The primary goal is to improve comprehension and performance in specific courses. 3. Focus on Personal Development: Performance Coaching: Emphasizes the student’s overall well-being and personal development. It involves addressing stress, anxiety, and confidence issues, as well as helping students develop a positive mindset and life skills that extend beyond academics. Tutoring: Is more narrowly focused on academic achievement. While it can improve confidence in a subject, it does not typically address broader personal development or emotional well-being. 4. Outcome Goals: Performance Coaching: Aims to empower students to thrive in all areas of law school life, including academic, emotional, and professional aspects. The goal is to help students develop sustainable skills for long-term success. Tutoring: Aims to improve understanding and grades in specific subjects. The goal is often short-term, focusing on passing exams or assignments. In summary, law school performance coaching provides a broader, more comprehensive support system, while tutoring offers targeted academic assistance in specific subject areas. Both can be valuable, but they serve different needs depending on the student’s goals and challenges.
  • What does a typical law school performance coaching session look like?
    Expect coaching sessions packed with dynamic self-discovery, tackling your biggest stressors, and fine-tuning your daily habits. We’ll revamp your self-care, smash through learning roadblocks, and tackle those nagging fears. From mastering relaxation techniques to mapping out your dream career, it’s all about creating a plan that gets you where you want to be—one encouraging conversation at a time!
  • How does emotional intelligence factor into law school performance coaching?
    Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in law school performance coaching because it helps students navigate the complex and often stressful environment of legal education. Incorporating EI into coaching can significantly enhance a student's academic and personal success. Here’s how: 1. Managing Stress and Anxiety: Law school is known for its high-pressure environment, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Emotional intelligence helps students identify and manage their emotional responses to these stressors. Through performance coaching, students learn techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and positive self-talk, which enable them to stay calm and focused, even during challenging situations like exams or class discussions. 2. Enhancing Self-Awareness: Emotional intelligence involves understanding one’s own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Performance coaching helps students develop self-awareness, which is essential for recognizing when they are feeling overwhelmed, procrastinating, or losing motivation. This self-awareness allows them to make proactive changes to their study habits, time management, and self-care routines. 3. Building Resilience and Adaptability: Law school demands the ability to handle setbacks, such as receiving critical feedback or not performing well on an exam. Emotional intelligence fosters resilience by teaching students how to process these experiences constructively, learn from them, and adapt their strategies for future success. Performance coaching provides tools for reframing negative experiences and maintaining a growth mindset. 4. Improving Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Effective communication is a core component of legal practice and law school. Emotional intelligence enhances a student’s ability to communicate clearly, listen actively, and engage empathetically with peers, professors, and colleagues. Performance coaching can help students develop these skills, which are essential for success in classroom discussions, group projects, networking, and client interactions. 5. Strengthening Decision-Making: Law students often face difficult decisions, whether it’s choosing a focus area, managing conflicting responsibilities, or responding to ethical dilemmas. Emotional intelligence enables better decision-making by helping students balance logical reasoning with emotional insights. Performance coaching guides students in recognizing how their emotions influence their decisions and teaches them to make choices that align with their long-term goals and values. 6. Promoting Work-Life Balance: Balancing academic demands with personal life is challenging in law school. Emotional intelligence helps students prioritize their well-being alongside their studies. Performance coaching supports this by helping students set boundaries, recognize signs of burnout, and cultivate habits that promote physical and emotional health, leading to a more sustainable and fulfilling law school experience. Incorporating emotional intelligence into law school performance coaching empowers students to not only excel academically but also to grow personally and professionally, equipping them with the resilience and interpersonal skills necessary for a successful legal career.
  • Why should I get law school performance coaching?
    Here are several reasons why a law school student should consider pursuing law school performance coaching: 1. Improve Academic Performance: - Develop effective study strategies tailored to your learning style. - Enhance your understanding and retention of complex legal concepts. - Improve your performance on exams and assignments through personalized techniques. 2. Manage Stress and Anxiety: - Learn stress management techniques to handle the pressures of law school. - Reduce anxiety and avoid burnout with proven coping strategies. - Build resilience to handle setbacks and challenging situations more effectively. 3. Boost Time Management and Productivity: - Create a personalized time management plan to balance coursework, extracurriculars, and personal life. - Learn techniques for overcoming procrastination and staying motivated. - Optimize your study schedule to maximize productivity and efficiency. 4. Develop Emotional Intelligence: - Increase self-awareness to identify and address emotional triggers. - Improve interpersonal skills and communication for better relationships with peers, professors, and future colleagues. - Enhance decision-making abilities by learning to balance emotional and logical reasoning. 5. Clarify Career Goals and Pathways: - Explore and define your career interests and goals within the legal field. - Receive guidance on building a competitive resume and developing your professional network. - Get support in navigating internships, job interviews, and post-graduation career planning. 6. Build Confidence and Self-Esteem: - Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome often experienced by law students. - Develop a stronger sense of self-confidence in your abilities and potential. - Gain tools to manage fear of failure and public speaking anxieties. 7. Enhance Exam and Test-Taking Skills: - Learn how to manage your emotions during exam preparation. - Overcome test-taking anxiety. - Develop strategies for handling exam stress and maintaining focus during high-pressure situations. 8. Create a Sustainable Work-Life Balance: - Develop strategies to balance academic responsibilities with personal well-being. - Learn to set healthy boundaries and maintain a balanced lifestyle. - Avoid burnout by implementing self-care practices and maintaining a positive outlook. 9. Receive Personalized and Ongoing Support: - Benefit from one-on-one guidance tailored to your unique needs and challenges. - Receive continuous support and feedback to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. - Build a trusting relationship with a coach who understands the law school experience and its demands. 10. Develop Long-Term Skills for Professional Success: - Acquire skills that go beyond law school, such as effective communication, leadership, and conflict resolution. - Prepare for the emotional and professional demands of a legal career. - Build a solid foundation of personal and professional skills that will serve you throughout your career. Pursuing law school performance coaching can transform your academic experience, helping you achieve your fullest potential both in law school and beyond.
  • How often should I meet with a law school performance coach?
    This depends on your individual needs and goals. Some students benefit from weekly sessions, while others find bi-weekly or monthly check-ins more suitable. Leslie will work with you to create a schedule that best supports your progress.
  • Can performance coaching help with exam anxiety?
    Absolutely! Coaching can equip you with stress management and relaxation techniques, as well as effective study and exam strategies, to help reduce anxiety and boost your confidence when it comes time to take those exams.
  • How does coaching help with career planning?
    Leslie is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator and is an expert career development professional. She offers guidance on everything from resume building and interview preparation to networking and career strategy. Whether you’re deciding on a legal focus or looking to land that dream internship, coaching can help you navigate your career path with confidence.
  • I’m already doing well in law school. Do I still need coaching?
    Even top performers can benefit from coaching! It can help you refine your strategies, maintain your success, and prepare for the next steps in your career. It’s all about maximizing your potential and ensuring you’re on the right track for long-term success.
  • Can coaching help me improve my work-life balance?
    Definitely. Leslie will help you develop strategies to balance your academic responsibilities with your personal life, ensuring you don’t burn out and can maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle throughout law school.
  • What is the cost of law school performance coaching?
    Leslie typically charges $300+ per session, but she’s passionate about making her coaching accessible to law students who might be navigating student debt. That’s why she’s offering sessions at a special rate of $100—because everyone deserves the support to succeed, no matter their financial situation! Sessions are exclusively available to law school students and recent grads.
  • Can I still get coaching if I’m an online or part-time law student?
    Absolutely! Leslie’s coaching is flexible and accessible, whether you’re attending law school in person, online, or balancing part-time studies with work or family commitments. She will tailor the coaching to fit your unique circumstances. As a graduate from a part-time online law school, Leslie knows the way of the unconventional student taking unconventional paths. All law school students are welcome.
  • General Terms of Service
    Terms of Service for Law School Performance Coaching 1. General Terms These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of coaching services provided by [Leslie Inc.] ("we," "us," or "our"). By booking a coaching session, you agree to abide by these Terms. ​ 2. Eligibility Coaching services are exclusively available to current law school students. Proof of enrollment may be required prior to the first session. ​ 3. Booking and Scheduling - All coaching sessions must be booked in advance through our designated booking platform. - Coaching sessions are personal and specific to the individual named in the booking form. Sharing or transferring appointments to another individual is strictly prohibited. ​ 4. Rescheduling and Cancellations - Clients may reschedule or cancel their appointments up to 24 hours in advance without penalty. - Cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled session will not be eligible for a refund. - No refunds will be provided for cancellations made on the day of the scheduled session. - In the event of a late arrival, the session will still end at the scheduled time, and no additional time will be provided. ​ 5. Session Conduct - Coaching sessions are intended for the individual named in the booking form only. - Appointments are not to be shared or conducted with any other individuals, except for disabillity/accomodation purposes. - Any attempt to include other approved individuals in a session will result in immediate termination of the session without refund. ​ 6. Payment Terms - Payment for all sessions must be made in full at the time of booking. - No refunds will be provided for sessions canceled with less than 24 hours' notice or for no-shows. ​ 7. Limitation of Liability While we strive to provide the best coaching services, we do not guarantee any specific outcomes or results. The coaching process involves personal effort, and the client's progress depends on their engagement and commitment. ​ 8. Confidentiality All identifying information (names, addresses, contact information) shared during coaching sessions will be kept confidential, except as required by law. We will not disclose any personal identifying information without your prior consent. ​ 9. Amendments to Terms We reserve the right to update these Terms at any time. Any changes will be communicated to clients via email or our website. Continued use of our services after changes have been made will constitute acceptance of the revised Terms. 10. Recording Sessions Under federal law, recording conversations without consent is generally permissible; however, California state law strictly prohibits recording conversations without the prior consent of all parties involved. Students must request permission before recording any session with Leslie Juvin-Acker. Students are permitted to record sessions for personal use only and agree not to disseminate, share, or publish the recordings in any form, including but not limited to online platforms, social media, or distribution to third parties. All recordings, including Leslie's voice, strategies, and instructions, are intended solely for private reflection and must not be used, sold, or distributed for any other purpose. By recording a session, students acknowledge and agree to these terms. Any violation of this policy will be considered a breach of contract, and the offending party(ies) agree to pay damages to Leslie Juvin-Acker for such breach. ​ 11. Contact Information For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact Leslie Juvin-Acker]or email ​ Acceptance of Terms By booking and participating in a coaching session, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Service.
  • What is your cancellation and refund policy?
    Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy When an appointment is scheduled, Leslie Juvin-Acker arranges her schedule to accommodate the needs of the student. Therefore, students must provide at least 24 hours' notice to reschedule or cancel an appointment. No refunds will be issued for cancellations; rescheduling is the only option available. In cases of special circumstances, refunds may be issued at Leslie’s discretion; however, any fees incurred by the credit card or payment processor will be deducted from the refund amount. If Leslie needs to cancel an appointment, students will have the option to either reschedule or receive a full refund.
  • Is it okay to discuss topics beyond law school with Leslie?
    Disclaimer and Scope of Services Leslie Juvin-Acker is a parent, spouse of over 18 years, homeowner, and a financially independent, bi-racial woman in business. She recognizes that numerous personal and professional factors can influence a student’s law school experience, and conversely, that law school can impact various aspects of a student’s life. Through coaching, Leslie aims to discuss strategies for optimizing your life while navigating the demands of law school. It is important to note that Leslie does not diagnose, treat, or provide therapy for any diseases or psychological conditions. She is not a licensed therapist or medical professional and does not offer services that should be construed as medical or psychological counseling. Should any issues pertaining to physical or mental health arise, Leslie may advise consulting a licensed healthcare provider or appropriate professional. Leslie’s coaching focuses on present circumstances, behaviors, and attitudes that influence current performance. Law school performance coaching is intended to provide support and strategies for academic and personal success and should not be confused with therapeutic or psychological counseling.
  • What are the limits of law school performance coaching?
    Law school performance coaching can be highly beneficial, but there are limitations to what it can achieve. Here are some things that law school performance coaching **cannot** do for students: 1. Provide Legal or Academic Advice: - Coaching cannot substitute for legal instruction, tutoring, or academic advising. It does not offer specific legal knowledge, guidance on course content, or help with writing papers and assignments in the way a professor or tutor would. 2. Guarantee Grades or Academic Success: - While coaching can enhance study skills and strategies, it cannot guarantee high grades or academic success. Individual effort, comprehension, and exam performance are ultimately up to the student. 3. Diagnose or Treat Mental Health Conditions: - Coaching is not therapy. It cannot diagnose, treat, or provide therapeutic support for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, or other psychological conditions. Students in need of mental health care should seek licensed professionals like psychologists or psychiatrists. 4. Make Decisions for Students: - Coaching helps students clarify their goals and options, but it cannot make decisions for them. Students are ultimately responsible for making their own choices regarding academic paths, career directions, and personal matters. 5. Resolve Personal or Legal Issues: - Coaching cannot intervene in or resolve personal conflicts, legal disputes, or issues such as family problems or financial crises. Coaches may provide support or refer students to appropriate resources, but they cannot directly resolve these situations. 6. Replace Professional Services: - Coaching cannot replace other professional services such as career counseling, academic advising, legal advice, or medical care. Each of these areas requires specialized expertise that coaching does not provide. 7. Control External Factors: - Coaching cannot change external circumstances, such as the rigor of law school, institutional policies, or personal life challenges. It can only help students develop strategies to manage these factors more effectively. 8. Provide Immediate Solutions: - Coaching is a process-oriented approach focused on long-term growth and development. It cannot provide quick fixes or immediate solutions to deeply ingrained habits, attitudes, or performance issues. 9. Guarantee Job Placement: - Coaching can support career planning and job search strategies, but it cannot guarantee job placement or career success. Market conditions, employer decisions, and individual performance all play significant roles in career outcomes. 10. Address Academic Misconduct: - Coaching cannot help students engage in or justify academic dishonesty, plagiarism, or any form of misconduct. It promotes ethical behavior and integrity in all aspects of academic and professional life. Understanding these limitations ensures that students have realistic expectations and use law school performance coaching as a complementary tool to enhance their law school experience, rather than as a solution for all challenges.
  • Can I record sessions?
    Recording Sessions Under federal law, recording conversations without consent is generally permissible; however, California state law strictly prohibits recording conversations without the prior consent of all parties involved. Students must request permission before recording any session with Leslie Juvin-Acker. Students are permitted to record sessions for personal use only and agree not to disseminate, share, or publish the recordings in any form, including but not limited to online platforms, social media, or distribution to third parties. All recordings, including Leslie's voice, strategies, and instructions, are intended solely for private reflection and must not be used, sold, or distributed for any other purpose. By recording a session, students acknowledge and agree to these terms. Any violation of this policy will be considered a breach of contract, and the offending party(ies) agree to pay damages to Leslie Juvin-Acker for such breach.

Stop Stressing, Start Enjoying The Learning Process with Leslie Juvin-Acker!

Got law school stress?


Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to Leslie Juvin-Acker’s contagious enthusiasm and razor-sharp insights! Her positive energy will cut through the toughest challenges like a hot knife through butter.


Leave your worries behind and step into a session where solutions, not stress, are the main focus.


Ready to take charge of your law school journey and start feeling fantastic?


Book your session now and let’s turn that frown into a winning smile!

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